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Cancellation Policies

Daily and Vacation Visits:


Our cancellation policy for daily pet sitting and vacation visits take into consideration emergency or last minute problems. Less than 2 days notice incurs a 25% cancellation fee. Cancellations made during the reservation or early and the client pays 100% of the entire fee except for emergencies.


Overnight Visits:


Please call us 3 days before your departure if you need to cancel. Overnight reservations require we set aside a block of time just for your pets. Thus we turn down other business. Cancellations made less than 3 days before your departure date are subject to a 25% cancellation fee. Cancellations made during the reservation or early cancellation the client pays 100% of the entire fee except for emergencies.


Dog Walking:


Dog walking cancellations require a one day notice for each canceled visit except for emergency.


If the client is home and/or neglects or forgets to cancel a visit, full price of the service will be charged.


Changing Reservations:


If you are out of town and must let us know of changes to your schedule, call our office as soon as you can. Please leave as much information as possible; name, vacation phone number and changes needed. Emails, Phone calls and Text messages will always be returned for verification.


Returned Check Fee:


It is $37 plus all bank fees incurred.


Key Safe Program:


Return clients can keep their house key on file in our Key Safe. No ID is attached to the key but rather a lanyard or wrist band color coded to your name and contact info. Do not leave keys hidden outside as the security of your home and pets are very important to PWP. Key pickup and return is $10 per trip unless alternate no charge arrangements are made.


Contact Information:


Please have contact information on to your pet's collar at all times especially in your absence. Use a safety collar and NEVER use a choke collar.


Detailed Visit Notes:


PWP will leave a detailed note/log with each visit along with the time of the visit. We can also arrange to call you at the times you specify.


Emergency, Last Minute and Out-of-Service Area Visits or Trips:


In an emergency, please call and we will make every attempt to help you. A fee of $15.00 (or more) plus mileage at (.50) per mile/per trip will be charged if we need to make trips for food and/or supplies, to the veterinarian for pet care or medications.


We encourage you to have ample supplies on hand for your pets especially during bad winter months.


*Actual price may be adjusted to each client's unique situation and needs. Rates may be higher for multiple animals or special pet and home needs.


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